Archive for April, 2010

Visualize Time, Visualize response

Posted in Cognitive Psychology, Cosmology, managing time, Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, self-help, synesthesia, Uncategorized, Visualizing Time with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on April 26, 2010 by drcatherineseval

Visualize Time!

Its about time I got some response back from the world. C’mon all you people who can see time – tell me your stories! I can put them in my book and maybe even draw a picture of it! at least take my survey, then send it on to me…

Name Surname
Date of Birth Age
Gender Profession
If you see time and would like your drawing of it posted on the website, please email me at

View Timescape: Visualizing Time Blog
View Dr. Catherine Seval Blog

Email me a picture file of your timescape

beginning to see time…

To give you a head start, I want you to clear your head of every conceivable way you think time should be and put the month of March right in front of you, as if you are looking at the month with days in the box
Then, think of two things…
One event of consequence to you must be about 1-1/2 months in the past, (something that you did, or someone else did involving you)
And the other must be an event about 2 months into the future that is important to you, like a meeting, or a birthday, something you look forward to
Have you got the two things in your mind? Wait until you do before you look at my next question
Now, the past event, answer quickly- is it to the right or to the left? Up or down a little?
Second question; the future event- where is that to the right or to the left, above a few degrees or below?
If you have an answer to both of those questions then you now know where the future is coming from and where the past recedes.
I could go on and ask you to look back at March straight in front of you- where is April, left or right?, slightly up or down? Or straight to the front?
Do the same for February – left or right? Up, down or sideways?
Follow this pattern of questioning for all the months, where do they sit when asked in relationship to the month before or after. Soon your picture will appear. If it does, then you have found your pathway. Do any of the months have colors?
Draw a picture as you go along and put those months in boxes or bubbles and label them. Your mental map of months will then become clearer. It is then possible to change the future by simply pulling a date off of your mental map and bringing it forth into the present. once you can mentally see your goal in front of you, concentrate on visualizing it as real.

The next step is to place it back on your month in the future and unconsciously you will take the necessary steps to make to realize your goal! Your own personal daily planner, but one found in your mind, not in the stationary store!

Give it a try, it works! Besides, it is the way for you to make things happen, by ordering yourself to work with what is already naturally there in your head. Think about it, if something is specific to you personally, wouldn’t it be the most logical path to take to visualize your future?

Visualizing time -Writing a book

Posted in Cognitive Psychology, Cosmology, Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Uncategorized, Visualizing Time on April 26, 2010 by Catherine Seval

Visualizing time – It’s easy to get lost in the millions of people out there. I just wish others who can see time would just come forward with their stories so that I could include them in my book….

Maybe I could draw a picture for them.

Any feedback would be nice. I believe the universe takes care of us all. But, if I don’t see any interest, or if my ability to tag the right things are actually wrong things, maybe someone could help me.

It’s Up!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 9, 2010 by drcatherineseval

Well it’s up! the website ””. Take a look!

Took all my effort these past weeks…

Now about writing…..

It’s a wonder that I can give out advice but not follow my own and get stuck with writer’s block. Psychology of self ! Synchronicity happens and all of the sudden I am swept up in a race of urgency to complete something for the Greater Good by starting with myself.

If only we could all just pick ourselves up by the shoestrings and make things happen. I think it’s all a combination of visualization, thinking positive, believing that no matter what happens, it happens for a reason, and when one door closes a window opens…and of course…oh yes, never forget – timescapes…

Hello world! Its about Time I talked with you about “Visualizing Time”!

Posted in Cognitive Psychology, Cosmology, Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Visualizing Time with tags , , , , , , , on April 9, 2010 by drcatherineseval

To start the day, I wake up under a soft comforter wrapped around my body like a scarf. It’s tough to remove myself from such a wonderful cocoon, but it is necessary that I get up to make progress with the revision of my first book, “Timescapes, How We See Time in Space”. Since I earned my  Doctorate Degree, I have new motivation to give back to the world. Like the grass growing above, I hope my words will inspire.

I love what it says, but although it has great potential, it is really quite unreadable and scattered, so a new book is to follow.Since the first edition, I have learned a lot, as everyone does, so the next book, “Timescapes, How to Visualize Time and Realize Our Goals”. Or at least I think that’s the title, (you know how that goes…)

So  this is how I visualize time.A picture of months that I refer to whenever I get stuck on my path. It helps me place my goals and watch them come to me. I have been using this for a very long time, and its time for you to see.

Science has proved that timescapes exist, only they are unaware of the amount of people who actually possess the power to view their own. You might be wondering how to do it yourself, that’s what I am here for, to help you see time.