manipulating time results

After a long absence from my laptop, I have nevertheless continued working with my own personal timescape. This long period of rest has given me the opportunity to make conclusions from synchronicity examples. These seemingly ‘coincidental experiences’ have helped to better understanding of exactly how a timescape can work to our common benefit.

When two individuals work in tandem and place a goal on their corresponding personal view of time, the results have a better chance of  actual realization. It is often said, “two minds are better than one”, and this definitely holds true for those who concentrate fully on future shared goals.

Try putting a dollar sign on a few dates that money is needed for both individuals and have each person place it directly on the timescape and occasionally refer to the date with the mental picture… The results are amazing! It never seems to fail.

You would think I could manifest my own recuperation using the same method. Well, I can! But one has to take in account that what is a perceived desire may in fact be contrary to what the psyche is truly reaching for. Trusting in the universe is imperative.

I needed these months of  inactivity, I just didn’t know it until I reached the point of realization that what I had just gone through was all part of my plan-clearly identified by my mental picture of myself. Along the way, necessary discoveries critical to my book and philosophy were presented to the whole picture of timescape theory.

I call this Tempus Vera. The sight of time. The mental view of both the individual and masses to make an idea reality. The ramifications are huge for the universal arena. Belief is key, visualization and manifestation aiding the desired communal results.

So I have taken this time to contemplate the enormity of these conclusions, and so should you. We own a serious tool, each of us, that can make this world a better place for each individual and every community. It is my greatest wish that this knowledge make its way to the light of day. It will, I am sure, in its own good time…

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