time and time again

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on April 14, 2014 by drcatherineseval

Taking the giant step in the last untouched “catch all” of a room in my house that holds all the boxes from Timescapes and precious information. It only took me a year to get to that spot. A year,  three new phones, two new laptops, and still no sign of my list of passwords. Can you say “frustration” much?

Nevertheless I am glad to be “sooner than later” back in the game. Just in time…

(Forgive the pun but I have been waiting for some kind of motivational sign…)

This big sign has turned out to be the simple use of a clean dust cloth over newly installed free surface. Provided-(thank god), by my dedicated housekeeper Dilara, who has given me a clean area to set my that new laptop and stacks of papers that have been carefully stored in the four priceless boxes ready for boxcutters. Those boxes, unearthed only a few days ago, are soon to be opened…..finally. ..

And so I begin. This entry is from my new phone from which I think I have enough minimal skills for staying in touch. The real circus will start soon after a bit of sorting. I’m shooting for bells, whistles and pictures as soon as I get a handle on the Windows 8 that awaits on my new Viao flip. On my clean surface. We shall see. 😉

Thanks again for your continued interest and undying patience shown, (quite literally) for years.

I’m hoping to make it worth our while. Suggestions are welcomee.

And again, I humbly thank you for waiting. Best

Dr . Catherine


Posted in Uncategorized with tags on February 19, 2014 by drcatherineseval

Excuse those typos. Like I said, I have a lot to re learn.  Typing and proofreading are two examples, (in addition to my fright of new technology.)

Thanks for your patience

“Overlooked and…

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on February 19, 2014 by drcatherineseval

“Overlooked and Under Rated”
…. not an ideal way to catergorize one’s life work. I’m
guilty of being preoccupied with other convenient matters at hand. However, there comes a ‘time’ when you can commit or go home. I think I’ll commit.

Just a bit at first because I have to admit I, myself lost track of my timescape and mafe no conscious effort to control such a beautiful gift. Somehow, someway I made it back and I see much clearer. Not out of the woods though; slow is being prudent.

Id like to thanks those few who had been reading. Quite frankly I had no idea anyone was following the blog. Teo be frank, technology passed me by in the 90’s. I am quite literally challenge after a few years of oversight from physical conditions that stunted my growth.

So please bear with me as I come out of my cave like a bear in hibernation. A natural proccess…. I look forward to helping myself and other to find their timescapes and utilized was has been overlooked and Under Rated for far, far, too long.

Coming back out…

Posted in Uncategorized on July 7, 2012 by drcatherineseval

Coming back out of a cloud of confusion and uncontrollable chain of events after 3 months where I lost my timescape, I have now found it again but I now see it from a north-south orientation instead of the south-north orientation that I have relied on all my life. This is conclusive proof that great mental stress can initiate a completely altered perspective of time enabling each person to control their future from an entiirely different set of time coordinates.

Soon to come are the conclusions and solutions to controlling and mastering your own particular timescapes in the book currently titled, “How to visualize time and  realize your goals”.

Keep ever in the present, be mindfull of the past and be aware of the possibilities you can create in your future.

Does anyone care about time and how they perceive themselves through it in space?

Posted in Cognitive Psychology, managing time, self-help, synesthesia, Uncategorized, Visualizing Time on May 25, 2012 by drcatherineseval

Its crazy that I leave the site for a ridiculous amount of coincidental or syncronistic events and can’t seem to use my email, my blog, or concentrate on work. Does anyone ever read this? Do you think it is impossible to see time?

Are we that Image to let destiny take it’s course and limit our free will to travel through time?

Through all the disasters and challenges I’ve had through these past through years, I wonder if the world is still not ready to see something that is literally right in front of your nose…

I can’t recall my passwords, lost in the the challenges of 2010-21011, and I have to start new. If there is anyone, anyone at all, who believes that the collective consciousness can make a difference in our world and its survival speak up now. I have something important to point out. For YOU, not for the money- I’m far beyond that. I’ve invested in YOU!!!

Wake up and lets open our mind and senses! give me feedback! Make me want to go on! Its for all of us, the world and our species and our growth spiritually. Take a chance. Give me any kind of feedback…  good or bad. I just want to know if every is blind or prefer to be dumb. catherineseval@yahoo.com

Visualizing Time, practical example… Timescapes

Posted in managing time, self-help, Visualizing Time on December 20, 2011 by drcatherineseval

Here is something I wrote earlier and may explain partially my absence lately…

I’m feeling like it is sometime in March today when in fact it is in November. Does this weather of rain and gloom have something to do with it? It just looks like March…

Then I see where I am on my map of time. March is nowhere in sight. I’ve jumped into November down to the 20th day and still look over to December when I will or will not go to the USA. I believe that by looking to the left, I will identify a day that I will come and go around Christmas and consequently be able to predict my future according to that. The ‘visual image’ calls for my full attention. Without this sight, I am lost as to how and what I should do next. If I perceive that I can manipulate time and force my will upon it by simply marking out the days of travel, I will somehow gain an advantage to altering my destiny. I will then have proved to myself that I can and will change my future independently of any other time/space circumstantial or causal interferences.

If in fact this is true, we may be able to break away from our present idea of what will happen by using our personal ‘Timescapes’ to alter the future by action in the present. All of this power from the sight of one’s timescape.

They say there is one constant you cannot change for fear of utter chaos. That is the constant called ‘Causality’- the relationship between cause and effect. This is widely believed by many scientists to be hard-wired into our brains. If I cause something to happen then there will be an effect on my Timescape. If something beyond my control happens to me, the effect is the same. It alters my future. Where we stand in our perception of time, our perception of space, our perception of reality will alter the future. How we use what we perceive about our time/space that will make the difference. The agents I use within my command can counteract those causes that seem out of control. It is now possible for me to create my future with free will. This self-government gives validation to “I feel, therefore I am”.

How I cope visually I regards to time has made the difference. As I see my timescape/timeline, I alter its direction for the outcome I desire. In this case, I have no use nor need to fear the future or regret the past. Time and its causality can be of my own making. It is in itself independent.

This concept is not about the novelty of our personal view of time, or as I call it, our Timescape. This notion is about our place in the world in which we exist. We, as human beings are all about bits of matter in time and space with the unique creature capability of consciousness. Plenty of believers, whether they be scientists, psychologists or spiritual advisors are accepting of the concept of ’sense of self’ in a world made up by self-visualization. This actual visualization, consisting of tiny particles that make up our ‘matter’, create our solid form. However, as we know, solid form is not so solid after all. We are 99% percent nothing and 1% something. Ask a physicist about black matter, and then wonder…

Fortunately, I get to make the trip to the USA after all. I have outlined and organized the last 3 chapters. Slowly making progress. 2012 will be stellar!


VisualizingTime, perceiving the tempo

Posted in Cognitive Psychology, Cosmology, managing time, Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, self-help, synesthesia, Visualizing Time with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on October 28, 2011 by drcatherineseval

It seems that sometimes during your life, events and circumstances come your way forcing you to show your hand and let the cards fall where they will.

It’s been a fast 10 months since I posted, a long time off the grid.

I apologize for not keeping my followers up to date, but as it sometimes goes, family comes first.

As for the book, I am in the last bits of the proposal, written and re-written for the sake of continuity. The justification for my theories and practices on how to use your timescape has changed somewhat. It is now in a much tighter form than my original book of 2007. Organizing illustrations for your reading pleasure has been the biggest challenge. Explaining how and why others perceive time is critical, the text has to explain the corresponding timescape shown in the book.

I hope my friends that you can be a bit more patient. I am trudging along, maybe at a snail’s pace, but time as it passes is relative only to the beholder. Speed up or slow down… It’s a matter of attention. something I hope to be able to give to this project.

Thank-you all for your devoted patience. Its now time for me to give.

New Years Hope

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on January 11, 2011 by drcatherineseval

Just a quick note. My goal of getting the proposal written for the agents and publishers was reached, just under the gun – December 30th…
Pleased to see that timescapes came through once again!

taking the time to write it well

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on December 10, 2010 by drcatherineseval

It has been a long, long time since I started my project to make positive mental visualization of time available to the public. To those of you who have waited, I thank-you. It seems that I have found myself in a quandary. I have found that writing the initial book with all its typos and sometimes unnecessary rambling was much easier than the proposal for a book at hand. The doctorate thesis along with the first three drafts were quite easy. However, what I have on my plate requires a bit more expertise with Microsoft word than I had expected. It seems that the formatting and editing part has left me with questions and problems on formatting that I am not educated to do. Unfortunately, for the time being I must accept my short comings and resolve myself to do one of two things:
Either I hire or find someone to do this work for me, or I go back to school and read up on the many different commands available in document preparation.

I have found that writing a book is not very hard when you know what you have to say, but formatting it with pictures throughout has posed a great challenge for me.

Alas, there has to be a bug in the works, but nothing that a little extra time can’t resolve.
Rest assured though, the magnitude of a Timescape is beyond what even I had expected. It has incredible powers when you use visualization to find and then use the timescape to manage your time and make even the impossible come true.

More than a few people are interested and I am sure it will be groundbreaking for most of us.
With that said, I ask that you all hang in there and wait for the first edition to break out. It will be worth the wait.

The few people with whom I have had the pleasure of using guided mental imagery to see and use time have been profoundly changed.

As Eden Phillpotts once said ” The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.”

I am waiting for my wit, and relying on the universe, (and my timescape) to bring me to that place of our enlightenment.
Thank-you all for following me and patiently waiting. Everything in good time, on time, with time.

manipulating time results

Posted in Cognitive Psychology, Cosmology, managing time, Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, self-help, synchronicity, synesthesia, Visualizing Time on November 9, 2010 by drcatherineseval

After a long absence from my laptop, I have nevertheless continued working with my own personal timescape. This long period of rest has given me the opportunity to make conclusions from synchronicity examples. These seemingly ‘coincidental experiences’ have helped to better understanding of exactly how a timescape can work to our common benefit.

When two individuals work in tandem and place a goal on their corresponding personal view of time, the results have a better chance of  actual realization. It is often said, “two minds are better than one”, and this definitely holds true for those who concentrate fully on future shared goals.

Try putting a dollar sign on a few dates that money is needed for both individuals and have each person place it directly on the timescape and occasionally refer to the date with the mental picture… The results are amazing! It never seems to fail.

You would think I could manifest my own recuperation using the same method. Well, I can! But one has to take in account that what is a perceived desire may in fact be contrary to what the psyche is truly reaching for. Trusting in the universe is imperative.

I needed these months of  inactivity, I just didn’t know it until I reached the point of realization that what I had just gone through was all part of my plan-clearly identified by my mental picture of myself. Along the way, necessary discoveries critical to my book and philosophy were presented to the whole picture of timescape theory.

I call this Tempus Vera. The sight of time. The mental view of both the individual and masses to make an idea reality. The ramifications are huge for the universal arena. Belief is key, visualization and manifestation aiding the desired communal results.

So I have taken this time to contemplate the enormity of these conclusions, and so should you. We own a serious tool, each of us, that can make this world a better place for each individual and every community. It is my greatest wish that this knowledge make its way to the light of day. It will, I am sure, in its own good time…